Annual Projects and News of MIRS

2018 April - 2019 March

Annual Projects
(* is the leader of the project):

  Interdisciplinary research and mathematical modelling for fracture phenomenon.
By Kimura*, Ikoma, Notsu, Ohtsuka, Pozar, (Wadade). 
International Conference CoMFoS18: Mathematical Analysis of Continuum Mechanics
 (13-15, June, 2018, in Kyoto)
Czech-Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2018
 (13-16, July, 2018, in Hosu)


2017 April - 2018 March

Annual Projects
(* is the leader of the project):

1.    Research on the Arthur trace formula and its applications.
By Wakatsuki*, Oura, Hayakawa, Sugano, and Takanobu.

2.    Research on the ideal boundary of a weighted closed Riemannian manifold.
By Kasue*, Iwase, Kawagoe, Kawakami, Ushijima.

RIMS Workshop “Trends in Submanifold Theory” (26-28, June, 2017, in Kyoto) 
MSJ Geometry Section "The 64 th Geometry Symposium" (28-31, August, 2017, in Kanazawa)
PDEs on Manifolds” (16-18, Nov., 2017, in Kanazawa) 

3.    Interdisciplinary research and mathematical modelling for fracture phenomenon.
By Kimura*, Ikoma, Notsu, Ohtsuka, Pozar, (Wadade). 
International Conference CoMFoS17: Mathematical Analysis of Continuum Mechanics
(20-22, Sep., 2017, in Kunigami)

4.    Research on mathematical models for the discontinuous interface phenomenon and its application to industry.
By Omata*, Kimua, Notsu.

5.    New developement of mathematical study for problems in medicine.
By Kimura*, Ikoma, Nakamura, Notsu, Ohara, Ohtsuka, (Sato).

6.    New developments of the research on quantum walk and combinatorics.
By Ogurisu*, Kawagoe, Oura.

7.    New developments of the theories and applications of integrable systems and special functions.
By Nagoya*, Ito, Ohara.
"Conformal field theory, isomonodromy tau-functions and Painleve equations" (30,Nov.-1, Dec., 2017, in Kobe)

8.  Starting up a new public seminar "Kanazawa Datascience Study Group"
  By Ohtsuka*, Ohara, Omata, Kimura, Nakamura, Pozar.
     "Kanazawa Mathematical Science and Data Science Seminar "

(21 Oct. 2017) Prof. Kawakami won The 6th Hida Prize for encouragement of graduates of Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University,  from the alumni association of the school.

2016 April - 2017 March
Annual Projects

(* is the leader of the project):

1.    Research on the Arthur trace formula and its applications.
By Wakatsuki*, Oura, Hayakawa, Sugano, and Takanobu.

>Wakatsuki takes a sabbatical in the summer semester.
Kanazawa Number Theory Mini-meeting 2016” (7-8, Dec., 2016, in Kanazawa)
Hokuriku Number Theory Workshop 2016 ” (25-26, Dec., 2016, in Kanazawa)

2.    Research on the ideal boundary of a weighted closed Riemannian manifold.
ByKasue*, Iwase, Kawagoe, Kawakami, Ushijima.

PDEs on Manifolds” (17-19, Nov., 2016, in Kanazawa) 
The 3rd Kanazawa-Yamaguchi joint research meeting for Mathematics” (17-18, Dec., 2016, in Kanazawa)

3.    Interdisciplinary research and mathematical modelling for fracture phenomenon.
By Kimura*, Ikoma, Notsu, Ohtsuka, Pozar, (Wadade).

International Conference CoMFoS16: Mathematical Analysis of Continuum Mechanics and Industrial Applications II
(22-24, Oct., 2016, in Fukuoka)
Workshop on Theory and Practice of Numerical Analysis
(21-22, Oct., 2017, in Ishikawa)

4.    Research on mathematical models for the discontinuous interface phenomenon and its application to industry.
ByOmata*, Nakamura, Pozar.

>To develop collaboration with Fujitsu, PFU, YKK, etc.

5.    Analysis of mathematical model concerning stem cells and cancers.
By Kimura*, Ikoma, Nakamura, Notsu, Ohtsuka, (Sato).

>Cooperate to organize “Mathematical Biology on stem cells and cancers” (24, Nov., 2016, in Kanazawa)

6.    New developments of the research on quantum walk and combinatorics.
By Ogurisu*, Kawagoe, Oura.

7.    New developments of the theories and applications of integrable systems and special functions.
By Nagoya*, Ito, Ohara.


Conformal Field Theory, Isomonodromic tau-functions and Painleve equations” (21-25, Nov., 2016, in Kobe)

Computer Algebra and Related Topics” (7-9, Dec., 2016, in Kyoto)
“6th Workshop of “Hamiltonian System and Related Topics” (8-10, Marh., 2017, in Kyoto)

Risa/Asir Conference 2017 ” (28-30, March, 2017, in Kanazawa)

(15 Sep. 2016) Prof. Kawakami gave a talk invited by Complex Analysis Section in 2016 MSJ Autumn  meeting (Osaka). “Geometric interpretation of value-distribution-theoretic property for the Gauss map of complete minimal surfaces.”
(16 Sep. 2016) Prof. Ikoma won The MSJ Takebe Katahiro Prizes (the Special Prize) for Encouragement of Young Researchers from the Mathematical Society of Japan.(The list of winners)
(17 Dec. 2016) Prof. Wadade won The 8th Fukuhara Prize(2016) of Division of Functional Equations of MSJ.
(26 March 2017) Prof. Pozar gave a talk invited by  Applied Mathematics Section in 2017 MSJ annual meeting  (Tokyo). “A level set approach to the crystalline mean curvature flow.”

Last Update: 16 Dec. 2017

Contact: ohtsuka (at)